Sunday, December 1, 2013


A friend posted an update and encouraged her friends to participate in a Photo-A-Day Advent activity. I like this, because it reminds me to slow down and remain present in this season. Holidays are special, Christmas is magical.

In the months since I last wrote, I have learned so much about my son (and myself). I love my little boy to pieces, but I have done a great deal of grieving this year as I let go of the idea of the son I THOUGHT I had an embraced and celebrated the son I ACTUALLY have. As I post photos for the Advent activity I'm sure I'll delve into this in greater detail. But for now, I just want to participate in this activity to remain connected to the season and remind myself of the blessings surrounding us.

Today's photo inspiration: Go.

His tiny little shoes (that seem so big compared to only a year ago!) always make me smile and remind me how lucky I am that this beautiful little boy made me a momma. He's always on the move these days, and I wouldn't trade it in for anything.

Until tomorrow... :)


  1. So excited to keep up with your writings. This is a God given talent and I am so thankful to see you using it! (And allowing us to read it!!)....heidi

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, love! Now if I can just keep it up. :)
